William Kim
Percussionist William Kim will be pursuing his Masters of Music degree at Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music this fall, studying with Kevin Bobo, Joseph Gramley, and John Tafoya. He holds a Bachelor of Music in Percussion Performance degree with Honours from Western University’s Don Wright Faculty of Music as a student of Dr. Jill Ball.
Currently serving a one-year term as a board member/student representative of the Canadian Percussion Network, and a participant of the inaugural International Timpani Intensive at the Shepherd School of Music at Rice University (Houston, Texas), he was awarded Third Grand Prize in the Chicago International Music Competition, runner-up in Western University’s Maritsa Brookes Concerto Competition, and was one of two showcased students in the 2023 Ontario Percussive Arts Society’s Day of Percussion Showcase Concert. William has also appeared in a guest artist performance at the Mount Allison University Department of Music (Sackville, New Brunswick). As a winner of Minnesota Public Radio’s Minnesota Varsity competition, William’s winning performance and interview were showcased and broadcast state-wide on Minnesota Public Radio.
William has mentored with orchestral percussionists from the Houston, Los Angeles, Minnesota, Metropolitan Opera, Royal Concertgebouw and Toronto Symphony Orchestras. He has performed with Western University’s Symphony Orchestra (principal percussionist), Wind Ensemble, Opera Chamber Orchestra and Percussion Ensemble, and is an extra percussionist with the London Community Orchestra.
Prior to starting percussion, William was an award-winning pianist. He currently resides in London, Ontario, and when not busy performing and practicing, he enjoys playing chess and watching his favourite hockey team in action, the Winnipeg Jets.

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